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How to Care for your Leather Work Boots

By SR Max

How to Care for your Leather Work Boots
Article by Emily BennettA good pair of work boots can behard to come by. Especially when theyre leather. Chances are, if you own a pair of leather work boots you do something pretty hard-core for a living, theres also a good chance that your boots are just as tough as your job.With all of the wear and tear that you put on them, your boots often pay the ultimate price for what they have to go through each day. Water, rocks, machinery, you name it, theyve probably endured it. While leather is as tough as nails, its also skin. This means that it can crack, stain, warp, etc. Thats why it is important to take care of your leather work boots and make sure that they get the maximum amount of wear and tear that they can handle. Here are a few tips and tricks to help keep your leather work boots up to snuff for work.
  • Knock off the Dirt and Grime: Rinse the mud and dirt off of them daily--if you allow them to build up with grime, theyll start to
  • Give a Good Brushing: Just use a stiff brush to knock off any large clumps of dirt, grab a bowl and fill it with boot cleaner and water, and give your boots a firm scrub, removing any evidence of dirt.
  • Let Em Air Out: Rinse the excess soap off with cool water, and leave them to dry in an open area (no, that doesnt mean in your car!).
  • Water Guard: To finish up, apply a waterproofing cream, wax, or spray before you wear them again.
  • Oil Em Up: Starting to notice that your boots are cracked and dry? Start using a leather conditioner every two weeks. This will restore them back to their natural texture (leather is skin, after all.)
As you can see, a lot goes into caring for your boots. Your efforts will help your leather work boots live a longer life and most importantly, help you get the maximum amount of wear from them. Ultimately, this leads you to fewer trips to the store for new boots.Follow all the rules, and your boots will be around for years to come (you may just have to replace the sole). So go ahead and live a little in your safety toe boots. When you take care of your work boots, your work boots will continue to take care of you.For more information on leather work boots and more, check us out on our website at  

  Authored by: SR Max  |  Posted: 08/17/2017