Shoes for the Needy [Fun Friday]
![Shoes for the Needy [Fun Friday]](https://www.srmax.com/_cache/images/blog/blogcategory_get-a-grip-1920x600.jpg)
We get to see lots of really cool charities and outreach opportunities with some of the vendors and customers we work with. Today I want to highlight Soles4Souls and the cool things that they are doing.Soles4Souls is based in Nashville, TN but their reach is international. Since 2005 they have distributed over 14 million pairs of new and gently worn shoes in 127 countries. They work with individuals directly as well as with organizations and companies. They take donations from warehouses and closets to hand out to those who are less fortunate.In addition to handing out shoes to the needy in the case of crisis relief, Soles4Souls also has a micro-enterprise system where the shoes are sold by the impoverished in developing areas worldwide. This allows the families and individuals to generate an income and foster long-term development. If youre interested in finding out more or making a financial donation to Soles4Souls, you can visit their website: www.soles4souls.org.
Authored by: SR Max | Posted: 10/28/2011