SR Max® Gives Back

What do you do to make the world a better place? At SR Max®, were certainly trying to do our part. All it takes is finding a little corner of the world that you can make that much better. Heres where weve been focusing our efforts as of late: WENDYS WALK FOR KIDSMission: The Wendys Walk for Kids mission is to support programs whose purpose is to help children in our community realize their full potential, regardless of their life experiences and current circumstances.We donated $1 per For every Pair of Shoes program purchased by WendCentral employees between June 1 and August 31, 2015 to the Wendys Walk for Kids, a fundraising event which uses the money it generates to support a variety of programs. SODEXO STOP HUNGER CAMPAIGNMission: Sodexo Foundation works to ensure that every child in the United States, especially those most at-risk, grows up with dependable access to enough nutritious food to enable them to lead a healthy, productive life.$1 of every purchase made by a Sodexo employee between August 1 and September 30, 2015 went to the Sodexo Stop Hunger campaign, resulting in a $5,000 donation. NATIONAL BREAST CANCER FOUNDATIONMission: The National Breast Cancer Foundation's mission is to provide help and inspire hope to those affected by breast cancer through early detection, education, and support services.In the month of October, SR Max® pledged to donate $1 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation for every purchase made using the promo code. Plus, customers using the promo code received a free pair of socks with their purchase.In addition, running from October 1 until November 15, 2015 SR Max® is running the Pretty in Pink promotion. When you use the promo code PRETTYPINK15 at checkout, get $5 off all pink shoes, plus SR Max® will make a $5 donation to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. WHOLE PLANET FOUNDATIONMission: Whole Planet Foundations mission is poverty alleviation through microcredit in communities around the world that supply Whole Foods Market stores with products.For the past 7 years, SR Max® has joined forces with Whole Foods Markets Whole Planet Foundation to combat worldwide poverty, raising thousands of dollars. From October 1, until the end of the year, well donate $1 for every pair of shoes purchased to the Whole Planet Foundation.
Categories: Company Information | Authored by: SR Max | Posted: 11/10/2015