New Study on Fast Food Shoe Programs

The Liberty Mutual Research Institute recently published a study focused on slip resistant shoe use in fast food restaurants, and it contains some startling statistics for fast food owners, managers and franchisees.Factors associated with use of slip-resistant shoes in US limited-service restaurant workers, a recently released study that focuses on the use of slip resistant shoes in what are commonly considered fast food restaurants. The study examined the performance of the shoes being used, the compliance with the program and which demographics are most likely to use the shoes.The study is worth a read, especially for managers, owners and franchisees of these type of establishments. I thought Id pull out a few of the highlights of the study and add some additional input on what this means for these restaurant execs.33% of shoes marked as slip resistant posted a high slip potential on quarry tileWeve told you before that not all slip resistant shoes are created equal. This study proves that just because a shoe is marked as slip resistant doesnt mean its up to handling the challenges of a greasy, oily or wet workplace. Another interesting stat to go with this one: 94% of study participants wore the same pair of shoes every day at work.Part time work was associated with a decreased use of slip resistant shoesPart time workers make up a significant amount of the restaurant work force (40%), and even greater percentage of fast food workers (51%), according to this study. If you know that more than half of your workforce works less than 35 hours per week, this ought to ring some alarm bells for you each and every one of them is a slip and fall waiting to happen.Adolescent workers pose a major riskNot only does this study note that adolescent workers are less likely to recognize potentially hazardous work conditions, but they are also less likely to use PPE (personal protective equipment) even when they are aware of hazardous exposure! Just because your teenage workers know that the floor is slippery, dont assume they are taking the appropriate steps to be safe. Be proactive to protect yourself and them.Voluntary shoe programs arent as effectiveUse of slip resistant shoes was found by this study to be 34% lower when they were not provided by the employer and when no guidance was given. So if youre telling your employees that they need slip resistant shoes, but then not telling them what kind to purchase or where to get them, expect a lower level of compliance. Dont think you should subsidize your employee shoe program? Total workers comp losses from falls amounted to $116 per worker, whereas slip resistant shoes cost a mere mean of $29.26. In other words, each $30 invested in slip resistant shoes could result in a return of more than $58! Statistics like the ones from this study prove just how vital it is to have a good slip resistant shoe program. SR Max programs provide only highly rated slip resistant shoes, and we educate our clients on how to achieve the greatest employee compliance. If youre a manager, owner or franchisee of a restaurant, wed love for you to start a program with us today!
Same-level fall related injuries cost a combined $8.4 billion in the United States in 2008.In ten years, the inflation adjusted cost of those falls increased by 42% (1998-2008).11% of all grease burns in fast food restaurants can be attributed to slips.These are just a few of the alarming statistics to be found in Categories: Safety Tips | Authored by: SR Max | Posted: 11/01/2011