Top Safety Tips for Cafeteria Workers

Article by Lindsay CleghornGo back to school accident free! Back to school isnt just for the kiddos. For the past month or so, Cafeteria workers have also been heading back to school to serve hundreds upon thousands of students every day. And just like any other kitchen, cafeterias can be full of hazards if you arent paying attention. Check out these tips to keep yourself and coworkers safe in the kitchen this school year:
Avoid the Slick Spots:
- Kitchen injuries are all too common, especially when it comes to slips and falls (which still account for the majority of workplace accidents ). No matter what type of kitchen youre in, reducing slips and falls by wearing slip resistant footwear such as these Skechers Max Trax Slip on Oxfords, as well as non-slip mats, is just one of many ways to keep yourself safe.
DONT Feel the Burn
- Always use proper protection for hot items such as oven mitts, hot pads, utensils, and heat resistant gloves as your first line of defense against burns.
- When preparing food always stand away from steamy items such as pots and pans, or items in microwaveable packaging such as steam bags for vegetables, and never drop food directly into a fryer, avoid any oil splatters by carefully placing the items in the hot oil with a slotted spoon.
- Another key tip is to avoid overfilling pots, this prevents any hot liquid from boiling over the sides.
Cut it Out
- In order to avoid any cuts or scrapes, try cutting away from your body while using a stabilized cutting surface such as a cutting board when chopping something. Waiting until food is completely thawed before cutting into it will also help prevent cuts due to the fact that there will be less of a struggle to get the knife through the food.
- Only use a knife for its intended purpose that means you too, knife wielders.
- Last but not least, this one seems pretty obvious, but well go ahead and say it anyway. DONT try and catch falling knives. The chances of you catching it in a way that doesnt lead to an injury are slim to none. Even though it means taking yet another object to the dishwasher, its better than losing a digit due to a knee-jerk reaction.
Categories: Q & A, Safety Tips | Authored by: SR Max | Posted: 10/03/2017