How to Clean Your Slip Resistant Shoes

Have you cleaned a pair of shoes before? How about a pair of slip resistant shoes? Like everything else you own, your slip resistant shoes require a little maintenance to ensure that they are performing their best in your slippery workplace environment. Since our shoes are specially designed with slip resistant outsoles, it can be fairly tricky to clean them. You cant just run a rag over the bottom and call it a day.Follow the simple steps below to get the bottom of your shoes clean and ready for your next work adventure!Pointers for Cleaning Slip Resistant ShoesKeep the shoes at a 90-degree angle so that the outsole is pointing straight up and downthis is going to help keep the sides of your shoe dry during the cleaning process. Is there a lot of hardened material between the treads on the bottom of your shoe? No problem! Soak your shoes in about 1/4 inch of water for a few minutes to soften everything up before you start the cleaning process. Make sure the level of the water just barely covers the bottom of your shoes you dont want water coming up higher than the midsole or youll end up with wet shoes!
What Youll Need
STEP 2 RINSEUse a hose or sink faucet to rinse the outsoles to remove any soap residue and debris that the brush has loosened. Remember to keep your work shoes pointing straight up and down so that any runoff does not spill onto the side of the shoe. 
REPEAT STEPS 1 & 2 IF NECESSARYAnd voila! Youve got yourself a pair of slip resistant shoes as clean as John Travoltas 1948Ford De Luxe Convertible. Go get em tiger.

- The dirty shoes
- A stiff, nylon bristle brush (no steel bristles!)
- A bowl of warm water and dish soap

Authored by: SR Max | Posted: 09/23/2016