Tips to Keep You Safe at Your Warehouse Job

Slippery surfaces, extremely hot or cold climates, and potential hazards around every corner. If that description sums up your job conditions, chances are you work in a warehouse. As a manager or employee, you are more than aware of the risks that come with the job. In fact, a warehouse is one of the most dangerous places to work. But you can help reduce the potential for accidents in the workplace just by following some simple safety advice. Here are some safety tips for working in a warehouse:Tip 1: Dont Try to Impress If you are faced with lifting and moving heavy objects all day long, dont try and show off in front of your coworkers by lifting heavy materials improperly, or by trying to lift something that you shouldnt be lifting in the first place. Use the dollies, forklifts and hand trucks that you have available to make your job easier and prevent injuries. Also remember to wear protective clothing including hard hats, gloves, vests, masks, belts, eyewear and proper slip-resistantfootwear.Tip 2: Clear Areas of Pallets, Cartons, and other DebrisAll areas should be kept clean and free of debris. When unpacking materials, immediately dispose of any debris that could cause slips and falls. Treat aisles the same way you would a busy street. Look both ways and always stay alert when crossing or going around corners. Empty trash cans before they fill up all the way. Always stack heavier objects on the bottom of piles with lighter objects on top. This helps to ensure that your stacks wont collapse on or around you, ultimately keeping you and your coworkers safe from falling boxes and materials. Tip 3: Dress for Safety and SuccessAvoid wearing baggy or excessively loose-fitting clothing. As with any job, it is important to dress the part. That means wearing comfortable clothing that is not too baggy. This will help protect you from getting caught anything that might be on the side of your path or line of walking. Proper slip resistant work shoesarealso important in your line of work. Tip 4: Know your safety protocols Make sure emergency exits are clearly marked and you know the quickest route to safety from any location in the facility. In addition to knowing where your emergency exits are located, it is important to know where first-aid kits and supplies are kept. In an emergency, you dont want to be faced with the task of locating the first aid kit. This final tip probably doesnt come as a surprise either, but it is imperative that you report safety hazards when you see them. This ensures that the issue is dealt with immediately, lowering the risk for at-work accidents. And the end result is a safer, more efficient and ultimately, profitable company.To learn more about what we can do to help you stay safe at work, check us out at srmax.com
Categories: Q & A, Safety Tips | Authored by: SR Max | Posted: 11/03/2017